WEBスクール iDoハワイのウエブ学校

Early Morning Fishing Off Sand Island

The first time I moved to Hawaii was in the third grade. I had to move after three year but I got the opportunity to come back in high school and I took it. I had to move to Hawaii without my parents and the complications of that was all still worth it.

Spending Free Time in Hawaii

I love living in Hawaii. The people are great and so is the environment. Since high school I have made many friends and I still know them to this day. On my spare time I like to call some of them to see if they are free and we usually make plans as we go along. Sometimes we go to the movies or we play some billiard. Sometimes we even go fishing on our friends boat! To be honest it’s not his boat, it’s his father’s boat but he is allowed to use it with strict rules. We’ve even just fished on the boat without taking it out to sea and just having it on the docks. This usually happens when it is too late at night to go out.

Having Friends in Hawaii

Although we all love to go out, we also like to stay indoors when it’s too hot outside or it’s just bad weather. I have my own apartment, which many of my friends don’t, so I like inviting them over. We usually drink, cook something tasty, play video games and generally just have a great time. Hawaii has always been a good home to me and I wouldn’t want to learn anywhere else.

